
Investor Relations

Learn how iFuture Globistic Limited positions itself for long term sustainable growth through superior business outcomes, highly satisfied customers and enduring relationships.


Investor Relation

Learn how iFuture Globistic Limited positions itself for long term sustainable growth through superior business outcomes, highly satisfied customers and enduring relationships.

Environment Policy

iFuture Globistic Limited caters to the daily needs of consumers and industry while supplying high quality goods and services.

The company recognises its responsibility to protect environment and is committed to regulate all its activities so as to follow best practicable means for minimising adverse environmental impact arising out of its operations.

The company is committed to making its products environmentally acceptable, on a scientifically established basis, while fulfilling consumers' requirements for excellent quality, performance and safety.

With this policy we aim to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent or minimise, encompassing all available knowledge and information, the risk of an adverse environmental impact arising from processing of the product, its use or foreseeable misuse.

The Policy applies to development of a process, product and services, from research to full-scale operation. It is applicable to all company operations covering its plantations, manufacturing, sales and distribution, research & innovation centres and offices. This document defines the aims and scope of the Policy as well as responsibilities for the achievement of the objectives laid down.

Our vision is to continue to be an environmentally responsible organisation making continuous improvements in the management of the environmental impact of our operations by focusing on People, Technology and Facilities.

iFuture Globistic Limited is committed to meeting the needs of customers and consumers in an environmentally sound manner, through continuous improvement in environmental performance in all our activities. Management at all levels, jointly with employees, is responsible and will be held accountable for company’s environmental performance.

  • Ensure safety of its products and operations for the environment by using standards of environmental safety, which are scientifically sustainable and commonly acceptable.
  • Develop, introduce and maintain environmental management systems across the company to meet the company standards as well as statutory requirements for environment.
  • Verify compliance with these standards through regular auditing.
  • Assess environmental impact of all its activities and set continual improvement objectives and targets and review these periodically to ensure that these are being met at the individual unit and corporate level.
  • Reduce waste, conserve energy and explore opportunities for reuse and recycle.
  • Involve all employees in the implementation of this Policy and provide appropriate training.
  • Provide for dissemination of information to employees on environmental objectives and performance through suitable communication networks.
  • Encourage suppliers and co-packers to develop and employ environmentally superior processes and ingredients and co-operate with other members of the supply chain to improve overall environmental performance.
  • Work in partnership with external bodies and Government agencies to promote environmental care, increase understanding of environmental issues and disseminate good practices.

The Board of iFuture Globistic is committed to conduct the company operations in an environmentally sound manner. The Board will:

  • Set mandatory standards and establish environmental improvement objectives and targets for iFuture Globistic as a whole and for individual units, and ensure these are included in the annual operating plans.
  • Formally review environment performance of the company once every quarter.
  • Review environment performance when visiting units and recognise exemplary performance.
  • Ensure implementation of iFuture Globistic Policy on environment and compliance with environmental standards and the standards stipulated under relevant national / local legislation.
  • Assess environmental impact of iFuture Globistic operations and establish strategies for sound environment management and key implementation steps.
  • Encourage development of inherently safer and cleaner manufacturing processes to further raise the standards of environment performance.
  • Establish appropriate management systems for environment management and ensure regular auditing to verify compliance.
  • Establish systems for appropriate training in implementation of Environment Management Systems at work.
  • Ensure that all employees are made aware of individual and collective responsibilities towards environment.
  • Arrange for expert advice on all aspects of environment management.
  • Ensure that the all manufacturing units comply with iFuture Globistic mandatory standards and the relevant national and state regulations with respect to environment.
  • Ensure formal environmental risk assessment to identify associated environmental aspects and take appropriate steps to control risks at acceptable levels.
  • Ensure that all new operations are subjected to a systematic and formal analysis to assess environmental impact. Findings of such exercises should be implemented prior to commencement of the activity.
  • Manage change in People, Technology and Facilities through a planned approach based on training, risk assessment, pre-commissioning audits and adherence to design codes.
  • Regularly review environment performance of the unit against set objectives and targets and strive for continual improvement.
  • Sustain a high degree of environmental awareness through regular promotional campaigns and employee participation through training, safety committees, emergency drills etc.
  • Maintain appropriate emergency procedures consistent with available technologies to prevent / control environmental incidents.
  • Provide appropriate training to all employees.
  • Ensure periodic audits to verify compliance with environment management systems and personally carry out sample environment audits to check efficacy of the systems.
  • Ensure that a formal and systematic risk assessment exercise is undertaken during the process/product development stage with specific reference to environmental impact.
  • Transfer technology to the pilot plant and main production through a properly documented process specification which will clearly define environmental impact and risks associated with processes, products, raw material and finished product handling, transport and storage.
  • Ensure that treatment techniques are developed for any wastes generated as a result of the new product/process and is incorporated into the process specifications.

Quality Policy

Meeting quality expectations of our consumers into our products is a priority for us. To win consumers’ confidence and loyalty, we need to consistently deliver branded products of excellent quality. We understand the different needs of our consumers and customers and strive to develop and deliver superior brands to ensure that they’re the preferred choice. And by applying consistently high standards, we’re able to do things right first time, cut waste, reduce costs and drive profitability.

Our Quality Policy describes the principles that everyone in iFuture Globistic follows, wherever they are in the world, to ensure that we are recognised and trusted for our integrity, the quality of our brands and products, and the high standards we set.

We have stringent mandatory quality standards in place against which compliance is verified through regular audits and self-assessments. These standards ensure we design, manufacture and supply products that are safe, of excellent quality, and conform to the relevant industry and regulatory standards in the countries in which we operate. Comprehensive management procedures are in place to mitigate risks and to protect our consumers and markets.

We actively engage our consumers and customers, translating their needs and requirements into our products and services, thus creating consumer value wherever we position our products. This is at the very heart of our innovation process.

Quality and consumer safety is the responsibility of every iFuture Globistic employee and iFuture Globistic demonstrates visible and consistent leadership to meet this policy. The drive for quality, in all that we do, is a passion reflected in our brand development, manufacturing and customer service processes and is also expected of our business partners. We partner with stakeholders to provide leadership, promote transparency and share best practice. And we’ve forged effective working relationships with suppliers and contract manufacturers.

We’re proactively and continuously developing our systems and processes to ensure quality and safety throughout the whole value chain, and we’re setting a benchmark for the business. We provide appropriate training and resources, and will ensure that we deliver our quality objectives and targets. We regularly measure and improve our performance using both internal and external measures.

We’re proactively and continuously developing our systems and processes to ensure quality and safety throughout the whole value chain, and we’re setting a benchmark for the business. We provide appropriate training and resources, and will ensure that we deliver our quality objectives and targets. We regularly measure and improve our performance using both internal and external measures.

Safety & Health Policy

iFuture Globistic is committed to exhibit the highest standards of corporate behaviour towards its consumers, employees, the societies and the environment.

Towards this, the Company recognises its responsibility to ensure safety and protection of health of its employees, contractors and visitors in all its operating sites, which include manufacturing, sales and distribution, research laboratories and offices during work and work related travel.

This Policy document defines the vision, principles, aim, required actions and scope of the policy application as well as the responsibility for execution.

Our vision is to be an injury free organisation.

iFuture Globistic’s Occupational Safety and Health Policy is based on and supported by the following

iFuture Globistic Limited (HUL) recognizes people as its most important asset and is committed to a safe and healthy work environment impacting those working on, visiting or living near our operations. Management at all levels will be responsible and will be held accountable for the occupational safety and health performance of the Company. At the same time it is the duty of every employee to work in a safe manner so as not to endanger himself / herself or his/her colleagues at work and during travel. This is a condition of employment.

iFuture Globistic is committed to make, handle, use, transport, sell or dispose off products, in a safe and environmentally sound manner. iFuture Globistic aims to prevent occupational injuries and ill health through the following actions:

  • Integrate safety into all business processes. Proactively evaluate risk of occupational injury / illness and implement actions to mitigate the risk.
  • Design, adapt, operate and maintain technology, plants and other facilities within the designated safety criteria throughout their working life.
  • Develop, introduce and maintain safety and health management systems across the Company to meet concern standards as well as statutory requirements for safety and health. Verify compliance with these standards through regular auditing.
  • Set continual improvement objectives and targets and review these periodically to ensure that these are being met at the individual unit and corporate levels.
  • Inculcate safety as a personal value through behavioural intervention at all levels, recognition of positive behaviour and continuous correction of unsafe behaviour.
  • Involve all employees in the implementation of this Policy and provide appropriate training.
  • Provide for appropriate dissemination of information on safety and health at work and travel through suitable communication networks both within iFuture Globistic and among stakeholders.
  • Implement Mandatory Minimum Standards at Third Party co-packers and dedicated warehouses.

iFuture Globistic Management at all levels is responsible for Policy implementation. All iFuture Globistic Standards, Rules and Procedures on Occupational Safety and Health, including those that may be specific to a site are integral to this Policy and its implementation. All employees are required to ensure strict adherence.

Dealing in IGL shares

register folio no. shareholder's name Type of Share
No.of Share Held
10 Per Share
Percentage(%) of Shareholding
I-01 ramani prasanthi bhagavatula Equity 2,499 4.98%
I-02 asha narappareddy Equity 13,000 26%
I-03 basanthi lakshmi narappareddy Equity 1,000 2%
I-04 soma sekhar titti Equity 1,000 2%
I-05 narappareddy vijaya lakshmi Equity 1,000 2%
I-06 ajit madhusudan narappareddy Equity 31,500 63%
I-07 ajay babu kona Equity 1 0.02%
Total 50,000 100%
By Order of the Board
For iFuture Globistic Limited
(formerly known as iFuture Globistic Limited)

List of Shareholders as on 31st March 2020

register folio no. shareholder's name Type of Share
No.of Share Held
10 Per Share
Percentage(%) of Shareholding
I-01 ramani prasanthi bhagavatula Equity 2,499 4.98%
I-02 asha narappareddy Equity 13,000 26%
I-03 basanthi lakshmi narappareddy Equity 1,000 2%
I-04 soma sekhar titti Equity 1,000 2%
I-05 narappareddy vijaya lakshmi Equity 1,000 2%
I-06 ajit madhusudan narappareddy Equity 31,500 63%
I-07 ajay babu kona Equity 1 0.02%
Total 50,000 100%
By Order of the Board
For iFuture Globistic Limited
(formerly known as iFuture Globistic Limited)

Investor Contacts

For all inquiries or questions you may have please see contact details below according to your query. We look forward to hearing from you.

iFuture Globistic Limited

#39-22-18/5, First Floor, Kalinga Nagar, beside VUDA East Park,
Madhavadhara, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India - 530007

Investor Contacts


Investor Grievance Redressal Contacts

The Company’s dedicated e-mail address for Investors’ Complaints and other communications is

Compliance Officer:

Mr. Manikantha Raja G E-mail:

Understanding IGL

Our goal is to meet daily needs of people like nutrition, hygiene and personal care with our brands.

Our road is towards sustainable, profitable growth, creating long-term value for our shareholders, our people, and our business partners.

Our first priority is to be a successful business while conducting business with integrity, highest standards of behaviour and valuable brands.

Conduct our operations in accordance with internationally accepted principles of good corporate governance.

Corporate Responsibility

We are committed to operate and grow the business in a socially responsible way by reducing the environmental impact of our operations and increasing positive social impact.

Our aim is to achieve responsible growth and we will bring this to life by encouraging people to take small everyday actions that will add up to make a big difference.

Mergers Demergers Acquisitions

iFuture Globistic has acquired iTrust IT Services Pvt. Ltd. in 2020 under its technology division.


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iFuture Globistic Limited has its presence in four major sectors Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Manufacturing, Technology, Agro and Large Scale Engineering. At iFuture Globistic, since our inception, our primary objective has been to develop robust, custom solutions that help our clients operate more efficiently.

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